Composite bonding is a popular treatment in modern dentistry. It is also called cosmetic bonding and involves a dentist adding a tooth coloured resin to the outer surface of your teeth to enhance the way those look. The procedure is absolutely free from pain and so no anaesthesia is required. There is also no drilling in the mouth to prepare the teeth for the procedure and obviously there is no permanent change in the natural structure of the tooth in this procedure.
This particular procedure proves to be an ideal option to fix the problems like fracture and chipped teeth. It also works wonders for the teeth that are severely discoloured. The in-office procedure can also close small unwanted gaps between the teeth. This is also an excellent means to improve the general appearance of one’s smile.
Composite bonding procedure involves simple techniques and uses modern materials to provide wonders. It proves to be a faster and affordable alternative to dental crowns and veneers. The entire procedure gets completed in just a single visit to a dentist’s office. In other words it is absolutely correct to say this procedure saves both your time and money.
Composite bonding todeal with crooked teeth
The composite bonding procedure also proves effective in improving the appearance of the teeth that are little crooked or misaligned. We talked to a dentist who charges reasonable cost for composite bonding in London over the years. The expert explained just by placing composite resin material at strategic places in the mouth it is possible to mask misaligned teeth. This automatically enhances the appearance of one’s smile. However it is important to mention that this strategy is only applicable in cases of minor teeth misalignment. Composite bonding is not ideal to apply in cases that involve moderate to acute misalignment of the teeth.
In cases that involve severe misalignment of the teeth, one must go for an appropriate orthodontic procedure first and then get the bonding done on the teeth says the expert.
Composite bonding procedure and the teeth at the bottom
Composite bonding proves effective boosting aesthetics of the teeth at the bottom. But certain factors must be taken into account before going for the procedure. These include the following –
- The bite of a patient and
- How the teeth at the top and at the bottom meet
This procedure is not suitable for those who suffer from bruxism and there is a reason behind that. But first let us know what bruxism is. Bruxism iscrushing of the teeth at night in sleep and it is a common dental problem.Alarge number of people all over the world ache from it. Usually there is no apparent symptom when one suffers from it. But only the trained eyes of a dentist or an orthodontist can recognise the signs and helps patients to overcome it. Composite resin material is not very strong or durable to resist the huge force that is involved with bruxism. As a result your composite tooth or teeth may easily get damaged or fractured.
Is it possible to close gaps in the teeth at the front with composite bonding?
This is another common query that dental professionals have to field regularly from their patients. The answer is yes, it is possible! If the gaps between your teeth are very small them composite bonding is the ideal procedure to sort out the problem assures a dentist who charges reasonable cost for composite bonding near me in London.
Whether you have a single gap or several gaps between the teeth, this procedure provides amazing results in both cases. In these cases dentists place the composite resin material on the teeth and close the gaps. If the gaps are little wider then this procedure helps making those more discreet if complete closing of the gaps is not possible.
If the gaps are too wider in those cases dental professionals usually recommend orthodontic procedures. These are usually quick procedures that are recommended. Once the orthodontic procedure gets over the patient undergoes composite bonding treatment says a dentist who provides cheap composite bonding near me in London. This is done to avoid disproportionate teeth or teeth that are too large.
Composite bonding – pain and anaesthesia
As it has already been mentioned above, composite bonding treatment is totally free from pain. It involves no drilling in your natural tooth structure. First in the prep stage, the tooth is cleaned and then in the next stage thecomposite resin material is bonded to the clean surface of the tooth. In the last step composite resin is polished. As such the procedure requires no anaesthesia or injection.
Positives and negatives associated with the procedure
The procedure like many others has both positive and negative sides. First let us start with the benefits involved with it.
- This is an absolutely painless procedure and involves no injection.
- The natural tooth structure remains completely unaffected as there is no drilling involved.
- The composite bonding material possesses impressive durability. Bonding easily lasts five to seven years provided one takes proper care of his bonded tooth or teeth. Routine visits to dental hygienist are important to make your composite bonded tooth last longer.
- The procedure involves no lab work and it is finished in just a single visit to your dentist.
- Compared to other cosmetic dentistry treatments this one is very reasonably priced.
Now let us explore few disadvantages the procedure has.
- This is not as long lasting as other cosmetic dentistry solutions. The bonding is easily prone to chipping or breakage when exposed to pressure.
- Composite resin material is also prone to staining. You must be very careful and conscious to maintain your composite bonded tooth. Habitual smoking and excessive consumption of coffee or red wine are the two factors that can prove harmful for your composite bonded tooth. To cut a long story short you have to select your foods and drinks carefully to avoid discolouration of your composite bonded tooth or teeth.
- Average life of composite bonded tooth or teeth is only 5 to 7 years at the most whereas porcelain veneers easily last up to 15 years.
Dentists working at the renowned Chatfield Dental Braces suggest composite bonding Cheap London is ideal for those who have healthy natural teeth and just looking for a quick solution to enhance their smile. The procedure is not only fast and painless but is also easily affordable thanks to its reasonable pricing.